🦋 The Key of David 🦋

It was during the time of God proclaiming a season of 'Peace Bootcamp' that I really began to discover His voice in a completely new way. He introduced me to His rest within, the Psalm 23 life. How His voice is the Key that ushers us into Rest. His voice opens the doors of understanding, clarity and wisdom, and shuts the doors of lies.

I came to realize His voice is a constant flow of Holy Spirit, always speaking and imparting Life.

One time, as I was thinking about the beginnings of my ministry - I asked Him what message would He like to send out. He simply said:"Knowing and hearing My voice is the only thing you need. Then I can teach you all things and guide you on the path I prepared for you. Once you know Me, you are set to walk with Me as I care for you. This is of the utmost importance." He brought to mind the story of Mary and Martha as well. Mary was resting at Jesus' feet, simply gazing at Him and listening, His words were Life to her soul. Meanwhile, Martha was carrying too many cares. The Lord is calling us to give Him our cares, as we listen to His voice leading us in all understanding and wisdom - being carefree in His care.

Holy Spirit called me to just be a supporter, encourager, nurturer in your journey into greater discernment of His voice.

This is where Life's greatest adventure starts - walking in His abundant, everlasting path of Life, that He purposed just for you.

Are you ready? 🦅


1 month package includes:

• first free complementary coaching call: to see where you are currently in hearing His voice and areas you'd like to grow in

• one 1-hour 1-1 coaching session per week, where Holy Spirit leads us into deeper realms of breakthrough and encounter

• throughout the coaching I will support you as well - prayer covering & one message per week, to ask if you have any questions or testimonies 🎁

• you receive recordings of all our coaching sessions


(If you have financial difficulties, reach out to [email protected] - sow the amount that you are able at the moment. Meanwhile I declare the Lord's favor to fall upon your resources as He cares for everything concerning your life. In Jesus' name, Amen.)

From the Father's heart 🎁

You are a beautiful gift from His heart and I am looking forward to serve you on your journey toward discovering His voice in your life - anew or afresh 🎁

A little about me:

• a Daughter of God, one with Holy Spirit, a voice from Yahweh

• I absolutely adore water, especially the sea - fun fact: my first ever spoken word was 'water' after seeing the ocean at a distance 🌊

• I love morning prayer walks with Holy Spirit - walking and talking in the coolness of the day 🌞

• although I received all the formal education up to a BA, I consider the highest of value the teachings and counsel of Holy Spirit

• I have a trusted companion - my cat , who likes to rest on my Bible and prayer journal 🐱 she knows where true rest is found 😊

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you didn't receive a breakthrough after one month of coaching - there is a full refund available. Instead of that, you can also book up to 2 more coaching calls for free.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.